Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A Fun Wedding

So it's been over a month since I shot the wedding in Youngstown Ohio and I have been so busy with other events that I have been delinquent . It was a great experience and working with Jaci was fun. Mark and Maria were fantastic. A lovely couple, Mark and Maria were radiant on their special day. I am sure you've heard of "Bridezillas;" Maria was the polar opposite of that personality and Mark was warm and genuine. Both families were all excited as the proud and beaming parents played their respective roles on this magical day.

Both Mark and Maria were happy with my work that day and that means a lot. This was truly a great experience Following are a few of my pictures from that day.

Mark and his proud dad
Three generations
It's the shoes!
The Gorgeous view from the Altar
Flowers for the Groom
First view of the bride
A glimpse through the portal
Celebrating the groom
The Grand Room Kiss
Glamor Descent

Thank You card pose
The veil was even more gorgeous in the sunlight.
They are very happy, aren't they?!
The love is so obvious
Father Daughter Dance
Mother Son Dance. Mark's mom was very emotional
Maria's grandmother won the anniversary dance. She has been married 63 years



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